crocodile vs alligator

Differences Between Crocodile and Alligator

After sharing the interesting facts about Crocodiles in my earlier blog, I thought it might be better to clear some doubts people have over Crocodiles and Alligators. Though both seem too similar visually there is a basic difference between the two. In taxonomy Crocodiles and Alligators are both grouped under the same reptilian order Crocodylia. ... Read more
crocodile facts

Crocodiles: Some interesting Facts

In the interesting facts series, today’s edition is Crocodiles. The word crocodile comes from the Greek word crocodile meaning lizards of the Nile. They are closely related to birds and mammals than to reptiles. The largest species of crocodile (saltwater crocodile) is of 7 meters in length while the smallest one(the dwarf crocodile) is 1.5 ... Read more