Do Octopuses Have Teeth? How An Octopus Eats
Do octopuses really have teeth? Find out how octopuses can bite and eat prey with their sharp, powerful beaks instead of teeth. A simple overview of the toothless octopus' incredible hunting abilities.

Interesting Jellyfish Facts: Do You Know What Does A Jellyfish Eat?
Today we will discuss jellyfish food habitat. What do jellyfish eat? And how do they capture and digest their food? So if you ever wondered about their feeding habits you will find this article informative. What Do Jellyfish Eat? Jellyfish eat a variety of things. There are more than 200 species of jellyfish. Some are ... Read more

What Are The Different Species of Squid?
Squids are numerous in this world. If you count the species there are more than 300 of them. But most of the squids are part of the 2 different types of squids: Myopsida Oegopsida. Myopsida: The squids belongs to the myopsida order has some common features like: They live in relatively shallow water. The eyes ... Read more

Interesting Squid Facts| Thing You Probably Don’t Know About Squids
Squids generally mean the 304 species of cephalopods of the order Teuthida. This article is a collection of some of the mind-boggling squid facts that are unique by any means. Below Are Some Of The Interesting Squid Facts: Like octopuses squid are also cephalopods, i.e, their feet originate from their head. We have discussed octopus ... Read more

Differences Between Crocodile and Alligator
After sharing the interesting facts about Crocodiles in my earlier blog, I thought it might be better to clear some doubts people have over Crocodiles and Alligators. Though both seem too similar visually there is a basic difference between the two. In taxonomy Crocodiles and Alligators are both grouped under the same reptilian order Crocodylia. ... Read more

Crocodiles: Some interesting Facts
In the interesting facts series, today’s edition is Crocodiles. The word crocodile comes from the Greek word crocodile meaning lizards of the Nile. They are closely related to birds and mammals than to reptiles. The largest species of crocodile (saltwater crocodile) is of 7 meters in length while the smallest one(the dwarf crocodile) is 1.5 ... Read more

Turtles: The adorable & Unique Animal
This article is about turtle which should not be confused with Tortoises. There are some differences between turtles and tortoises. Turtles primarily live in water are omnivorous and have flippers or webbed feet. Whereas tortoise lives only on land, are herbivorous and do not have any flipper or webbed feet. Turtles are one of the ... Read more

14 Fascinating Facts About Dolphins You Never Knew
Learn about the fascinating world of dolphins and discover 14 interesting facts about these intelligent and social marine mammals. From their unique adaptations to their habitat to their incredible swimming abilities, there's always more to appreciate about these amazing creatures.

Interesting Facts About Octopus
Today I will share some information about an animal which has many myths associated with it: The Octopus. I hope after reading this article you will be able to tell which are the original octopus facts and which are just the myths. So here we go: Interesting Octopus Facts The octopus is a cephalopod (meaning ... Read more
Seahorse: A Very Interesting Animal
Seahorse is very popular animal. There are a lot of interesting feature associated with a seahorse. Here in this article we will try to bring out some of those. The biological name of sea horse is Hippocampus. This means horse caterpillar. Though it is hard to believe but sea horse is a fish. Like many ... Read more