Gorilla facts

Gorilla: The Largest Primate In The World

This Article is all about Gorilla Facts and Information. It has been quite some time since I have discussed the apes in general. Now it is time to be more specific. I have already shared interesting facts about Chimps now its turn for the Biggest primate the GORILLA. The scientific name of Gorilla is Gorilla ... Read more

The Apes: A General Idea

Apes generally refers as the human like creatures. They can keep their bodies in both semi-upright as well as upright position. The arms are generally longer than legs. This article put some light on the different apes in our animal Kingdom.The word “Ape” has several meaning to several people. For most of the people ape ... Read more

Chimpanzee Facts | 10 Interesting Facts About Chimpanzee our Closest Cousins

I have planned to make this blog a place to share some interesting facts about different animals. This is my first blog and it is dedicated to our closest cousins: The Chimpanzees. But before moving into the chimpanzee facts first lets understand the some basic things about the apes. Interesting Chimpanzee Facts The word “chimpanzee” ... Read more

Orangutans: The Red Apes

Orangutans are the only ape in the world which has orange-reddish brown hair color. That is why they sometimes referred to as “The Red Apes”. Scientists have found that they are born with the ability to think and reason. In the past, local people felt that Orangutans are indigenous people who were hiding in the ... Read more