What Are The Different Species of Squid?

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Squids are numerous in this world. If you count the species there are more than 300 of them. But most of the squids are part of the 2 different types of squids:

  1. Myopsida
  2. Oegopsida.


The squids belongs to the myopsida order has some common features like:

  • They live in relatively shallow water.
  • The eyes are covered by a trasparent membrane corneal membrane. They don’t have any secondary eyelid.
  • Myopsids have suckers on their tentacles. They don’t have any hooks.
  • They also have a well developed gladius, the internal shell.

Some common squids that are a part of myopsida types are:

  • California market squid (Loligo opalescens)
  • Common European squid (Loligo vulgaris)
  • Caribbean reef squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea)
  • Patagonian squid (Loligo gahi)


They are also called pelagic squids. The squids that belongs to the Oegopsida order are unique on their own way

  • They live mostly out in the ocean and deep sea.
  • They have no cornea over their eyes.
  • Their tentacles are lined with suckers and/or hooks.
  • They also have paired oviduct in females.

Here are some common squids of this variety:

  • Shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus)
  • Deep-sea luminescent squid (Taningia danae)
  • Midwater squids
  • jewel enope squid (Pyroteuthis margaritifera)

Here is more interesting and fun facts about squids

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