15 Interesting Facts About Pygmy Goats

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Pygmy goats are a very good option if you are looking for an exotic pet. here are some of the interesting facts of pygmy goats.

Pygmy Goat Facts:

Pygmy goats are native to Cameroon Valley of West Africa.

Although Pygmy Goats are small in stature. they shoulder height average about 15 to 20 inches at the shoulders.

The male pygmy goat is called Buck and the female pygmy goat is called Doe.

They produce a very large amount of milk for their size. The average daily milk production of a Pygmy goat is 0.9 kg to 2.5kg.

The Pygmy Goats are generally not reared for their meat though they are perfectly edible.

They can adapt to different climates very easily.

A doe can attain a weight of up to 34 kgs while a buck can reach 39 kgs

Pygmy Goats multiply very fast. They can give birth up to 4 youngs every 9-12 months.

The gestation period is about 5 months.

Pygmy goats are very social animals, they like company and can’t stay alone.

The primary food for Pygmy Goats is greens and grains. They also need lots of fresh water to drink.

Pygmy Goats are very friendly and can get along other animals pretty well.

You can train a pygmy goat.

Pygmy goats are more athletic than you might think. They can jump great heights.

They are also very affectionate when treated with love and respect.

The average lifespan of a Pygmy Goat is 10-15 years.

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