Differences Between Crocodile and Alligator

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After sharing the interesting facts about Crocodiles in my earlier blog, I thought it might be better to clear some doubts people have over Crocodiles and Alligators. Though both seem too similar visually there is a basic difference between the two.

In taxonomy Crocodiles and Alligators are both grouped under the same reptilian order Crocodylia. But they belong to two different families viz Crocodylidae and Alligatoridae. There are another family called Gavialidaewhich includes the Gharials.

Differences Between Crocodiles and Alligators:

Following are the basic differences between Crocodiles and Alligators:

The snout of an alligator is much larger, wider and u shaped. On the other hand, the snout of the crocodile is V-shaped and more pointed. The ability to crush anything is better in alligators than in crocs.

The nostril of a crocodile is much bigger compared to Alligators.

The skin color of Alligator is much darker compared to Crocodiles. Crocodiles generally are of a lighter shade.

The teeth of Crocodiles are much sharper than Alligators. When the mouth is closed you can the teeth of a crocodile but in case of alligators, the teeth are hidden inside their mouth.

The animals of order Crocodylia is originated even before the dinosaurs and they have gone through very little change during these million years. There are total 23 species in this Order.

So now if you come face to face with a Crocodile or an Alligator you will easily differentiate between the two.

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